Email scene from the e-zine queen...
Hi, once again, to all our bloggers and blogettes! Back with another Big Seminar teleseminar preview call wrap-up.
Tonight's call was with the e-zine queen herself, Alexandria K. Brown. Ali will be making her second appearance at a Big Seminar event, and remains the sole female speaker to merit a spot on the panel. And with good reason, too - she has taken something has innocent as an email, and turned it into a profitable newsletter, which is constantly quoted, emulated and admired.
Ali talks about the differences between HTML and text e-zines, and why you would want to use either (she prefers HTML). She insists that your e-zine content has to be subscriber-worthy, as so many substandard bytes of trash crowd our inbox for our consideration every single day, and your offering must not only stand out, it should be anticipated with fervor.
Having seen Ali's BS-3 speech in Orlando, I can honestly say you're in for a treat, should you give in and attend the Big Seminar in Los Angeles - and she is only one of the countless reasons why you should be there!
Don't forget the special "mixed bag" teleseminar tomorrow night!
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