Friday, May 13, 2005

May Divorce Be With You - DJ Dave's divorce podcast, by popular demand!

DJ Dave back here with a whirlwind I couldn't control.

Many people know about the neutron bomb with which I became forever entangled back in October 2004, better known as my divorce. Well, dozens of people have asked...begged...pleaded...and promised to go low carb, if I would simply tell them the story about how I found out about my impending divorce.

Well, bloggers and blogettes, your wish is my command.
Please feel free to listen away to my story, recorded March 2005

I've moved on with my life quite nicely, so rather than have to ever repeat this story again, enjoy it while you can.

Potentially humorous, and all true. And another reason why when life gives you lemons, you don't make make podcasts instead. :-)

I want your comments - talk to me, you jilted bloggers...
TTYS - DJ Dave


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