Monday, June 29, 2009

Master the art of interviewing - and make money!

We are finally rolling out the most anticipated course on interviewing in quite awhile! Interviews For Success is now available for instant download, and it is the most comprehensive course around on interview skills for profit, whether as a host or guest.

If you've ever - literally - wanted to "talk your way to the top", this is the course that will show you how....and the price will pleasantly shock you! Check out Interviews For Success today!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Casey Kasem American Top 40 - can I get an 'amen'?

As a man who has spent many a day listening to Casey Kasem and American Top 40, I can truly say the man is a mentor of mine.

Years ago, Casey was nice enough to autograph a photo for my birthday, as I told him I had been following his show since the 70's, and I mentioned that the format literally ceased to be, the moment he left the AT40 countdown.

Radio is too segregated these days, and many of us yearn for the yesteryear format, where one could hear R&B, rock, pop, country, A/C, and even novelty records on the same station, and, more specifically, all in a 3 or 4-hour period on American Top 40.

I may dig into my old AT-40 recordings on the blog, if there is an audience for it, and I'd like to hear your memories of American Top 40 as well. - DJ D.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Product Padlock - the premiere digital security system!

Armand Morin has done it again!

ProductPadlock is the premiere digital security system to stop thieves from stealing your online product.

Imagine...being able to shut off access to your valuable mp3, PDF, doc, or any digital file with the click of a mouse. If they don't pay, then they don't play! ProductPadlock does this for you - and so much more!

This one's a no-brainer, folks - check out ProductPadlock for $1 today!

To your security,

"DJ" Dave Bernstein,

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Holy cr*p, BadderAdder is awesome!

I probably shouldn't even be talking about this, because it's such a secret weapon, but I highly suggest checking out BadderAdder. It's a piece of software that I stumbled upon by accident, that allows you to take control of your MySpace account, and literally pimp your profile like nobody's business. There's even a demo video to show you how easy it is to use.

Why is it a secret weapon? Well, think of the marketing possibilties with this.
Think REAL carefully... (I'm not giving you any hints!)

This BadderAdder link will take you to the demo video...
Check it out...then don't tell anyone else! :-)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Shocking Michel Fortin & Sylvie Charrier wedding photo!

Just got back from the wedding in Ottawa, and, under the impression that Michel & Sylvie were the ones to wed, I was amazed at what I saw next....

Never fear, friends....they were just fooling around
For those who would like to see the REAL newlyweds dance, head over to

Several wedding photos are now posted!

Amazing weather
Amazing city
Amazing couple

Congrats to my two beautiful friends!
- DJ Dave

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Big Seminar 8 Atlanta information is here!

The premier Internet marketing seminar is back again!

Big Seminar 8 in Atlanta, Georgia will be October 27-29th, 2006, and the big boys are back to strengthen your marketing mojo. Find out info NOW at and don't be left behind!

Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Rich Shefren, Stu McLaren, Michel & Sylvie Fortin, Ryan Deiss, Dr. Mike, Jim Edwards, Matt Bacak...need we say more?

Get FREE conference and teleconference info at

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Seminar Strategy Secrets has finally arrived!

After 6 months of development, and 3 years worth of knowledge, investment and just plain hard work, Ray Edwards and I ("DJ" Dave Bernstein) have created the ultimate course on seminar consumption and return on investment.

In plain English, that's how YOU can virtually guarantee that you will make money with every internet marketing seminar you attend.

Seminar Strategy Secrets is now available, and before you lose this incredible unfair advantage, head over to get your FREE 70-minute teleseminar right now.

Learn to make money while attending live seminars - it's never been easier!