Sunday, September 12, 2004

Dave wants to (ethically) bribe you!

Let's face it - if you're reading this far into this blog, you're either interested in the Big Seminar, or you lead an extraordinarily dull life. My guess is it's the former. :-) If you haven't yet signed up for the free teleseminar calls, well, pardon me for saying so, but maybe you do lead a boring existance.

After all, why else wouldn't you at least want to "sneak in" to a high-level internet marketing conversation, between two experts who have "been there and done that"? So, get moving, Jack (or Jacqueline), and sign up for those calls!

OK, I promised you a bribe...did you know that because I'm attending the Big Seminar, I am allowed to "recruit" other people to do the same? Yeah, I know, it almost seems like I'm doing that already, but here's the will get PAID for it! Here's how...

First, simply go to this special attendee link...

This link has been encoded with the fact that I, personally, am an attendee at the seminar. Why is this important? Because only attendees can refer other attendees! Let's face it: we don't want a bunch of yahoos at this seminar...only people who are truly serious about wanting to make a quantum leap in their internet marketing efforts.

As long as you use the exact link above, you will actually make some nice coin if you refer someone to the Big Seminar that ends up attending. So, even if you don't plan on attending yourself, do yourself a moral (and monetary) favor, and spread the good word about the seminar, by signing up with that jumbo link above. Because if someone ends up attending, you'll end up spending! :-)

Next calls are this week, Tuesday and Thursday, with Jim Edwards and Marlon Sanders, in either order. Check back later for more!

Morin more...

Finally, to catch you up to date, Armand's most recent call was with his favorite speaker - Armand Morin himself! (well, that's how he joked about it on the call, *wink*)

Armand discussed the proper techniques of networking. As he pointed out, simply emailing someone about a possible joint venture (or JV, as we like to call it) isn't enough - every effort to follow-up with that person by mail, or - better yet - in person - can pay off many times over. Not just in possible profits, but in life-long friendships as well.

In fact, when trying to explain to other folks about the necessity of attending the Big Seminar in person, I emphasize that importance. It's too easy to dismiss someone lightly over the cold, cruel Internet, but face-to-face and in person? You can tell a genuine and honest person when you meet them, and you can also tell with whom, maybe, you would not want to work.

That's the best thing about the Big Seminar... networking and making friends. So get out from behind your keyboard, and meet me there!

Hey, Colligan man...

Armand Morin's next Big Seminar guest was Paul Colligan, who was first known for being the man behind Front Page World. In fact, I first spoke with Paul for a few moments regarding FP at the second Big Seminar and found him extremely knowledgeable.

On the preview call, Paul talked about affiliate marketing, another topic of expertise for him. Quite a few good tips, including one where you can actually turn a non-sale into a profitable one!
He also spoke about the difference between affiliate marketers and affiliate managers, and how you can be profitable as either or both.

I have never seen Paul speak on the podium, so I'm looking forward to more juicy tips next month! If you've ever thought about affiliate marketing, you're going to want to be there as well - click here to find out more: